Resolutions to help orangutans. - SOS – Sumatran Orangutan Society
Resolutions to help orangutans.

Happy new year (and new decade!)

Whether or not you normally make New Year resolutions, you might be going into 2020 thinking about how to reduce your carbon footprint, protect endangered species and support the people helping our planet. We've rounded up a few Earth-friendly and orangutan-friendly resolutions for you to think about.

Resolutions that will help orangutans.

  1. Help orangutans by being careful about the products you buy. You can use the Giki app to find out whether anything from biscuits to toothpaste contains unsustainable palm oil.
  2. Look out for petitions by charities or campaigning organisations working to stop corporations destroying orangutan habitat. Sign them, email them to your friends, and share them on social media!
  3. Use your voice in other ways. Whether you write to your favourite brand to ask them what they’re doing about the sustainability of the palm oil they use, or chat to your friends at the pub about why orangutans are amazing, this will make a difference.
  4. Sign up to raise money for us – not only will this benefit orangutans, but it could help you meet new people, get fit or develop a new skill as well. That’s all your resolutions covered!

Resolutions that will help the planet (and therefore orangutans, too!)

  1. Think about your consumption. Do you really need something new, or can you repair an existing item or buy something secondhand? Check out local repair cafes, secondhand shops and clothes swaps for ideas.
  2. Waste less food. Currently, over a third of all food produced globally goes to waste – put another way, an area of land larger than China is used to grow food which is never eaten. With the human population growing, it’s vital that we stop wasting food that uses vital resources to produce.
  3. Waste less water. This can be as simple as taking shorter showers, only using the washing machine when you have a full load, and using greywater to water your plants in the summer.
  4. Try to reduce your reliance on your car, if possible. Can you car-pool, cycle or use public transport more often?

Finally, there are many amazing organisations working for a better future for our planet and all its inhabitants, in 2020 and beyond. If you can, please consider supporting them with donations. It really does help.


An adult sumatran orangutan

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