Rainforest Home Appeal - SOS – Sumatran Orangutan Society
Rainforest Home Appeal

Bring back the forest

An Indonesian oil palm plantation is up for sale and we have a golden opportunity to buy this land and restore the lush forest that once stood there.

This will provide shelter for orangutans and other endangered animals, and create a vital asset for local communities. By donating, you will help return this land to the forest and wildlife to whom it once belonged.

Donate now and help restore the forest!

Our plan is simple. Working with our Indonesian partners — an organisation called Yayasan Orangutan Sumatera Lestari (YOSL) — we will buy and restore this 890 acre site to its former natural glory. Removing the oil palms and replanting the forest will encourage orangutans and other wildlife to return, extending their habitat from the neighbouring national park.

Tree nursery in Sumatra

Forest restoration projects involve local communities from the start

We know this works, because YOSL have an excellent track record, working closely with local communities to bring forests back to life. They already manage several other restoration sites in the region, and so far have planted over 1.6 million trees. Orangutans, elephants and sun bears are returning to these areas — your donation will help create a new home for these threatened species.

Donate now to help bring back wildlife

This is an amazing opportunity, but we haven’t got much time to seal the deal. We have had an incredible response to the appeal so far, but there is still a way to go before we reach the final total – we have until 15th March 2019.

Make a donation to help us reach the target and create a new home for orangutans in the wild.

For more detail on how the plantation will be purchased, restored and managed, please read the FAQs.

To read an update on the appeal (dated November 21st 2018), click here.